Posts tagged spaces
Is Activating Courageous Subtraction One of the Best Clutter Strategies?

Clutter has many sources. It can be internal, such as in mind clutter, or external, like physical things or spaces. Clutter can also appear in your schedule. Believe it or not, it’s beneficial when you’re bothered and stressed by clutter. Why? You’re at a tipping point, which means you’re more likely to make a positive change.

In last week’s blog, I shared my latest clutter discoveries. In the comments, one of my wonderful friends and colleagues, Seana Turner, mentioned an idea from The Happiness of Subtraction episode on The Happiness Lab podcast hosted by Dr. Laurie Santos. I was intrigued, so I listened to the podcast, which inspired this post.

In the episode, Laurie talked with Tim Harford, author of Messy, about the value of subtraction and how it can enhance one's life. He noted that often, people tend to add more instead of taking things away. Does this sound familiar?

  • You take on one more commitment you don’t have time for.

  • You purchase more pants and shirts and stuff them into a closet overflowing with clothes.

  • You fill your vacation itinerary with so many places to visit that you’re too exhausted to enjoy the trip.

  • You go to another tag sale and bring home “bargains” you don’t have space for and will never use.

  • You enroll your kids in so many extracurricular activities that they feel overwhelmed and anxious without downtime.


The Big Clutter Question

During the podcast, Laurie asked a thought-provoking question:

“If forced to take one thing away, what would it be?”

I’ve been mulling this over for a few days. Except for the word “forced,” I love the question. It asks you to look directly at the extras in your life.

  • What is putting you over the edge?

  • What ‘one thing’ can be released?

  • What ‘one thing’ no longer belongs?

  • What can go?

You are the decision-maker. No one is forcing you. Instead, view this as an opportunity. This is your opening to make a change. Release the things holding you back.


“Opportunity Cost”

Tim talked about how something has an “opportunity cost.” For example, “…everything you say yes to is getting in the way of something else.” The idea is to subtract as much as possible to make space for the “good stuff.”

  • What are you “over-subscribed” to?

  • What can you remove from your schedule?

  • How does saying no make space for saying yes to what you value most?

  • What could you be doing if you subtracted something else?


Subtraction lets you create space for what you treasure most.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™


“Yes-Damn” Effect

Laurie discussed the familiar “yes-damn” effect from Hal Hershfield’s book Your Future Self about our time biases. This has probably happened to you before. Laurie said you get asked:

  • “Hey, do you wanna do this presentation?

  • Or Hey, do you wanna go to this kind of not very interesting dinner party?

  • Or Hey, do you wanna sign up for something in your schedule and you feel kind of bad?

  • So you’re like, yes.

  • Then weeks later, that project or that dinner party comes up and that’s where you say, damn.”

You said yes to something, and time passed. When you see it on your schedule, you regret the yes and are annoyed at yourself.



“No-Yay” Effect

Laurie prefers and uses a different strategy. Through “periodic reminders,” the “no-yay” effect reinforces the reward of saying no.

She shares this example. Let’s say someone asks you if you want to do a specific project, and you know the due date. You know you don’t want to do it, so you say no.

You could leave it there, at your no. Instead, you take it one step further. On the project’s due date, you write on your calendar, “Hey Laura, you didn’t have to do the project this day.”

Time elapses. You arrive at that future due date, see your note, and recognize how much harder things would have been if you had committed to doing that project. “And then you have the experience of the yay.”

Clutter shows up in our minds, schedules, and homes. Feeling bothered is a positive because it’s your cue for change. Subtraction lets you create space for what you treasure most.

What are you ready to subtract? If you need help making a plan or decluttering, reach out anytime. Please email me, Linda, at, call 914-271-5673, or schedule a Discovery Call. Decluttering is possible, especially with support.

3 Ways to Let Go of Big & Joyfully Experience Powerful Benefits of Little

We live in times where bigger and more are frequently sought goals. Perhaps the desire for big has become so deeply ingrained that it flavors decisions and attitudes. We seek larger spaces, collect more stuff, and fill our carts and plates, so they overflow. In some scenarios, this might be useful. However, if we let go and shift towards little, some incredible things happen.

Perhaps it’s the effects of the pandemic or being a Professional Organizer for almost 30 years, but I have discovered a renewed appreciation for the art of smaller and less. Just to clarify, I love the word abundance. However, we can feel full without having more or becoming overwhelmed. In the quietness of little, we have the space to truly understand its gifts.

Recently, I had some experiences which brought this idea into focus. 


3 Ways to Let Go of Big & Joyfully Experience Powerful Benefits of Little

1. Little Garden

Like many, I planted my first vegetable garden at the start of the pandemic. However, unlike some of my friends and neighbors, I wasn’t a confident gardener. So I opted to do it in a small, manageable way by keeping my ‘garden’ contained and little. In our greenhouse, I put three pots of varying sizes.

This spring is my third year, and I planted lettuce, basil, and mint. Because there were so few pots, it was easy to do. And it’s simple to maintain. Each time I water and mist them, I am delighted as I watch them grow and thrive. They are happy-looking plants and it feels good to care for them.

It would be too time-consuming to have a more extensive garden to tend, and I doubt I’d appreciate each plant as much. That’s just me. By letting go of big and opting for my little garden, I can provide freshness for our meals, enjoy the nurturing process, and do it joyfully.



2. Little Group

Gatherings with family and friends happened this past weekend for Passover, Easter, or Ramadan. After two years of not getting together because of the pandemic, we were excited to be in person again. However, with COVID still present and surging, it impacted many gatherings where hosts or guests canceled last minute. It happened to us, and several of our guests couldn’t make it because of COVID.

My husband and I made our Passover seder hosting plans over a month ago. In the past, we’ve had close to 40 guests. This year, we let go of having a larger group and went smaller. This was partly because of the pandemic and because it’s more challenging to host a bigger group. Frankly, I was out of practice. We ended up with 15 people, which was a great size. It was enjoyable because I got to talk with everyone, sit calmly and eat, see people interacting, and have enough space to move about. 

By going small, I appreciated the gathering even more.

In the quietness of little, we have the space to truly understand its gifts.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO

3. Little Habits

When I work with clients to help them reach their organizing goals, we often focus on adopting new daily habits by taking tiny steps to get there. When we break things down into small, doable steps, it is less overwhelming.

Like my clients, I’ve made many intentional changes in my life. When we’re working on that tiny step or small habit change, it seems like nothing is happening. But in time, we notice and feel the positive shifts.

The practice of tiny movements and choices creates incredible results. Some of the small daily habits I’ve made include meditation and journaling, walking in nature, eating nutritiously, hydrating, and getting enough sleep. Did I make all of those changes at once? Definitely not. Each habit began in little ways. For example, I eventually increased to walking 10,000 steps per day. But it took time to get there- literally one small step at a time. I let go of focusing on the big goals to reach the little goals along the way.

The benefits of my small habit changes are palpable. Because they have a low barrier to entry, it’s easier to be consistent and continue building from there.

Have you experienced the benefits of letting go of big to experience the joy of little? Does this idea resonate with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts, and I invite you to join the conversation.

What Reasons Motivate Every Client to Easily Let Go of Clutter?
What Reasons Motivate Every Client to Easily Let Go of Clutter?

Clutter can be a non-issue. However, for many of my clients, clutter that has established residency in their homes is a big challenge. Here is the thing. With some exceptions, the clutter didn’t appear overnight. It may not have felt problematic until the day you or a family member noticed it. Clutter is tricky in how it collects slowly, one postponed decision or action at a time. Have you noticed how clutter attracts more clutter? When surfaces and spaces are clear of excess, it’s easier to see when papers pile up or clothing draped on chairs are out of place. When there is too much stuff, it can become overwhelming and difficult to find a way forward. So what can you do?

Decluttering is a verb, which involves action. Taking action requires motivation. Identifying your why is essential to motivation, especially when you feel stuck. If your reasons aren’t compelling, then any significant movement will be less likely. The more clarity you have about why you want to change, the greater your chance for success.


When I work with my virtual organizing clients, having them articulate their why is a critical part of the work. Even before we begin working together during our initial contact, I listen carefully for their ‘why.’ I ask questions including:


What is driving your desire for change?

What prompted your call?

Why now?


The ‘why’ becomes a critical ingredient in my clients’ progress. If their reason is non-existent or weak, it could indicate they aren’t ready to move forward. It might also mean they need a different type of help, like a therapist. Or perhaps they don’t have the time and energy right now to devote to making a change.

Decluttering is a verb, which involves action.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™

The ‘why’ is different from a strategy. For example, many of my clients find that scheduling regular virtual organizing sessions provides accountability, which helps them accomplish more in between sessions. Using an accountability partner is a strategy. And sure, they experience a motivation boost knowing that we’re going to meet. However, our scheduled sessions aren’t the why behind the work. The ‘why’ is more personal, impactful, and comes from deep within. Do any of these resonate with you?


‘Whys’ That Motivate My Clients to Let Go of Clutter

  • I don’t want to feel overwhelmed by my stuff.

  • I don’t want to feel clutter-related stress and anxiety.

  • I don’t want my things to be a burden for my loved ones to handle after I’m gone.

  • I want to feel more in control of my life.

  • I want to have company over without feeling embarrassed by the clutter.

  • I want to feel safe at home so that I don’t trip or fall.

  • I want my priorities to be in alignment with my physical environment.

  • I want to stop wasting time and be able to easily find what I’m looking for.

  • I want to stop overbuying because I have so much clutter I don’t know what I already own.

  • I want to downsize, prepare our house for sale, and then move.

  • I want to make our home ready for the birth of our baby.

  • I want to create calm, uncluttered office space so I can work remotely without distractions.

  • I want my relationship with my spouse to improve. My clutter is a cause of contention.

  • I want to stop paying for storage.

  • I want my home to feel peaceful and calm. The clutter is distracting, and I can’t focus.

  • I want to let go of things taking up space, mental energy and serving no purpose.

  • I want less stuff. It’s too hard for me to maintain and manage.

  • I want to simplify and declutter so I can enjoy the next season of my life.


This is a small sampling of motivating reasons my clients let go of clutter and embrace change. What motivates you, your clients, family, or friends to declutter? What influence does the ‘why’ have? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

Do You Feel Amazing or Stressed When Experiencing Change?
Do You Feel Amazing or Stressed When Experiencing Change?

Some of us get pleasantly jazzed up when we are going through change. We feel enervated and excited about what is and will be happening. However, more often, I notice that people (including me and my clients) experience a lot of stress and anxiety with change. Even if we know that we will be just fine on the other side, the not knowing and transition parts can unnerve the calmest of us. Do you remember a change you went through recently? How was the experiencing part for you? Did things go smoothly? Or, did you, at times, feel stressed and out of sorts?

As a professional organizer, the work I do with my clients is all about change. We are changing habits, transforming spaces, and rethinking busy schedules. We are working towards desired changes. It is the work and the “changing” part that can be stressful. 


How does the change-related stress show up? It might look like:

The bottom line is that very often, when we are experiencing change, we aren’t at our best. This can be magnified if the change is unexpected or imposed on us. When we choose to change, it can still be stressful, but sometimes that positivity and motivation can help reduce the stress factor.

The situations that seem most stressful for my clients are:

  • Moving

  • Renovating

  • Downsizing

  • Losing a loved one

  • Going through divorce

  • Experiencing a health challenge


How can you alleviate some of the change-related stress? You can do one or more of the following:

  • Acknowledge that you’re going through a transition.

  • Be extra gentle with yourself.

  • Focus on the basics of sleep, exercise, nutrition, and hydration.

  • Reach out for professional and personal support.

  • Practice saying “no.” 

  • Reduce the scope of your commitments.

  • Meditate.

  • Adjust your expectations.

  • Do something fun.

  • Do something relaxing.

  • Celebrate the small successes.

What else have you experienced or noticed in yourself or others when going through change? What helps you alleviate change-related stress? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to comment and join our conversation.