Posts tagged connection
How to Unapologetically Know Your Mindful Next Step Means Noticing
How to Be Inspired By Possibilities With Fall’s Astonishing Cues

There are times each day that encourages me to pause and notice. These mindful moments prevent me from moving to that next step on my daily to-do list. They remind me that while it’s helpful to be productive and get stuff done, stopping for a gratitude or reflection break is essential too. Have you experienced this?

I have an Anna Quindlen quote displayed on my desk, which says, “I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less.” I extend this idea to the quality of my days. The next step often implies taking action that will further our project or goal. That’s essential. However, we can also interpret action to include reflecting, appreciating and noticing life’s treasures.

What made my next step be a stop and notice?  There were several things I’ll share with you. I’m curious about what you’ve been noticing lately, too.

3 Ways to Embrace Mindfulness

Next Step, Spring

It’s still officially winter, but signs of spring are all around. Some days I’ve gone coatless. And considering that only a few weeks ago, we were knee-deep in snow, and with freezing temperatures, a no-coat day feels pretty darn spectacular. But the spring sign that speaks, “spring is almost here,” more than any other, is when outside of our dining room window, the first purple crocus emerges from the earth. From the time our daughters were little, they were always on the lookout for the first crocus. I remember the joyous sounds of squealing and delight when they’d see it bloom. They’d rush to tell me in excited voices, “Look, look! The first crocus is out!!!” We’d run to the window together to appreciate the change. Then we’d go outside to take a closer look at this beautiful flower.

This past week, the purple crocus appeared. I felt just as excited and hopeful to see it as I have all of these years. I went outside to admire and appreciate its beauty and sign that spring is on its way. Life will once again begin to bloom.



Next Step, Hugs


Has anyone else seen the news articles that have been surfacing lately about how people isolated because of the pandemic are spending money to visit unique farms to hug cows? Yes, cows! This wellness trend of cow hugging or koe knuffelen, which originated in the Netherlands, has made its way to the United States. Apparently, cuddling a cow can increase our oxytocin levels, which is the hormone released in social bonding.

While my husband and I have been together during the pandemic and get to hug each other frequently, we have truly missed being with our children and embracing them. This past weekend, our daughter, Allison, visited us, and before the walking, talking, cooking, or eating, we stopped and hugged. It was the best next step ever! It’s not that I forgot. I was reminded how important and meaningful physical contact is to me. It’s the simple exchange of a hug or holding hands that express love, connection, and appreciation.


Next can mean mindfully appreciating the moment.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™

Next Step, Inspiration


Walking is part of every day. I love getting outside to move and explore. I tend to be a creature of habit, which extends to my walking routes. I mix it up sometimes, but most frequently choose a path along the Hudson River. When Allison visited us, she wanted to explore another spot in Croton. We ended up at this hidden beach, which my husband and I had only been to one other time. Aside from the gorgeous east river views, the landscape was covered with driftwood, reeds, rocks, and shells in unusual patterns and colors. Visual inspiration was all around as we stopped to capture the images and as I paused to appreciate being together with Steve and Allison.

Your next step doesn’t have to equal accomplishment. Next can mean mindfully appreciating the moment. Was your next step a pause to notice? What has captured your attention recently? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

12 Compassionate Organizing Concepts Inspired By This Unusual Year
12 Compassionate Organizing Concepts Inspired By This Unusual Year

There have been many words used to describe 2020. In a recent article in The Washington Post, readers offered their one word or phrase for the year, including “exhausting, lost, chaotic, relentless, heartbreaking, transformative, and the year of missing.” Perhaps the word that I heard (and possibly used) the most was unprecedented. It was that kind of year. We tried our best to navigate the unknown, find strength when life got worse than ever imagined, extend compassion and grace to ourselves and others, and find some balance in a continually changing situation. 

It’s been a harsh year, a year of struggle. We needed love, compassion, support, and connection more than ever. With pandemic restrictions reducing in-person contact, technology played a starring role to help us virtually spend time together. I blogged and had meaningful conversations with you throughout these past months, as we experienced and worked through this year together. We shared our silver linings and losses.

Being a reflective time of year, I am revisiting the past before moving ahead to the future. As part of the review, I selected highlights, one from each month, of the most compassionate organizing concepts of 2020. My hope is you discover a seed idea that will inspire your New Year. 

Where do you want to focus on creating the level of organization and balance that you desire? Which people and projects will receive your time, energy, and attention? 

12 Compassionate Organizing Concepts

Winter 2020

Fresh Start - How to Choose Words That Will Positively Affect Your Fresh Start

Your life and success will not be defined by the nouns you choose. It will be defined by the verbs.
— Todd Henry
If you’re not sure about the change you want to make, give yourself some ‘wander time’ and see what transpires.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO
Next might need to be a big dose of self-compassion. Or, perhaps it will be you reaching out to someone else that is hurting.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO
What expectations of normal am I letting go of today?
— Rick Breden
Mind clutter worry is unproductive. And as it turns out, it’s a good teacher too.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO
In your mix of doing, are you making time to notice and embrace the good stuff?
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO
Motivation is in the growing.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO
A goal doesn’t happen in a vacuum. We need help with accomplishing our goals and celebrating them along the way.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO
It is in the practice of shifting attention, awareness, and return that we become more mindful.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO
We live in challenging times. Yet even in the darkest days, there is hope. There is love. There are possibilities.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO
The initial sadness for not being able to gather has morphed into positive anticipation for the ways we’ve reimagined the holiday.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO
Feeling balanced is a fluid and a continually shifting dynamic.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO

My deepest gratitude goes to you for being an integral part of this vibrant community. We’ve had an incredible year of conversations and sharing. You bring learning, growth, support, and inspiration to every exchange. Thank you for coming back again and again to participate and share the best of who you are. 

What inspired you this year? Which compassionate organizing concept resonates most with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

12 Best Quotes of the Year That Will Make You Inspired
12 Best Quotes of the Year That Will Make You Inspired

As we wind down one heck of a year, many of us reflect on the past twelve months and the year that is about to start. 2020 has been full of intense emotions and experiences, along with amazing conversations we’ve shared together on the blog. We’ve walked side-by-side as we’ve navigated turbulent waters, made discoveries and wrestled with life balance. In our free-flowing exchanges, insights and new perspectives emerged.

Our conversations about life balance, change, mindfulness, clutter, letting go, motivation, organizing, coping, resilience, hope, pandemics, and more have provided immense comfort, connection, and joy. Thank you for being part of this generous community. You inspire me to show up, write, think, explore, and engage.

I am deeply grateful for the thoughtful words and beautiful sharing of this community. I’ve curated twelve of my favorite quotes of the year from my top engagers, selecting one from each month and topic. Thank you, Deb Lee, Diane Quintana, Ellen Delap, Janet Barclay, Janet Schiesl, Julie Bestry, Melissa Gratias, Nancy Haworth, Ronni EisenbergSabrina Quairoli, Seana Turner, and Yota Schneider. You are the consistent voices and readers that bring our conversations to life. My gratitude to you and everyone who reads the blog, contributes to our discussions, or shares the posts. You bring hope, light, curiosity, perspective, and learning to each day.

Enjoy the year in review- one quote, insight, and inspiration at a time!


12 Best Quotes From Our Conversations This Year That Will Make You Inspired

1. Fresh Start - How a Simple Change in Perspective Can Spark Your Fresh Start

. . . sometimes a slight change can encourage a fresh start. Whenever I’m feeling stagnant, I will change location, for example, working from a different coffee shop or running on a different trail. Just a location change from my normal routine can sometimes help me get out of feeling stuck.
— Nancy Haworth, Certified Professional Organizer

Change is inevitable, whether we like it or not . . . Gathering a support system is critical for navigating change and situations that are less than comfortable. It doesn’t matter if it’s brainstorming, consulting, or comforting; we all need a team to help us move forward.
— Ronni Eisenberg, Professional Organizer & Author

Every day, we’ll have to approach things with discernment. What can I reasonably do now to keep myself calm and focus on the true priorities? What must I put aside (anxiety? fear? perfectionism?) to get through this moment so I can be present for the next one?
— Julie Bestry, Certified Professional Organizer

I’m spending a little too much time ruminating and over-thinking past events. The words that float through my brain are ‘If only I’d had the wisdom to ... I would have ...’ I know it’s not possible to change the past and that all I have is now. I’m giving myself the grace to live in the present.
— Diane Quintana, Productivity and Organizing Expert

Authentic decluttering for me is letting go of the item as soon as I know it has served me well. That is the case for any item. I release it sooner rather than later.
— Ellen Delap, Certified Professional Organizer

I have had to redefine ‘delight’ this year, and it has been an excellent exercise for me. I have taken better care of my physical and mental health, savored the small moments that may have eluded me before, and learned the joy of ‘time affluence.’ I feel that I will be a different (better) person for having had this experience.
— Melissa Gratias,Ph.D., Productivity Coach

. . . when I can’t focus on something, I start by doing small steps that are in the process. Sometimes steps do not have to be in order when completing. Randomization is OK if you are still working toward your goal.
— Sabrina Quairoli, Small Business Administrator

Virtual organizing can be a great way to keep the momentum going. It keeps you in touch with your organizer and moves you forward even when you’re pressed for time.
— Deb Lee, Digital Productivity Consultant

One thing I’ve noticed about noticing is that I never do it when I am in a hurry. Hurry and mindfulness seem to be at odds with one another. If I want to notice, I need to slow down.
— Seana Turner, Professional Organizer

I love this sentiment. Holding on to change is so much more positive than letting things go.
— Janet Schiesl, Certified Professional Organizer

These days we’re asked to dance in all kinds of weather, aren’t we? We have to start where we are, do what we can, and build our reserves of resilience and joy. For me, it’s always been the little things. Moments of beauty and peace strung together through the day that keeps me grounded and inspired.
— Yota Schneider, Life Coach & Retreat Leader

We’ll be doing everything virtually this year, and I’m grateful we have that option. Although it definitely won’t be the same, it will probably be a lot more relaxing than the years when we rushed from one house to another to fit in all the visits!
— Janet Barclay, Website Designer

These quotes were taken from the lively dialogue we had on the blog this year. What resonates with you? Is there one idea you’d like to bring forward into the New Year? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

7 Uplifting Discoveries That Will Help You Cope With Next
7 Uplifting Discoveries That Will Help You Cope With Next

Another week has passed as we navigate and adjust to the rapidly changing COVID-19 world crisis. More schools, local stores, restaurants, and industries have shut down, and additional closures are coming. We’re learning how to stay in place as we manage the new realities of family, health, work, or the lack thereof. Each one of us will be touched if we haven’t already, by loss of loved ones, income, and life as we knew it. People have described the “brain fog” and a general sense of anxiety they’re feeling. Others have shared how essential their need to stay connected to “community” is, especially at this time.

Each day brings a new awareness about how to cope with next, given all the uncertainty. I continue to learn and be inspired by you and the ways you are facing each day of unknowns with grace, compassion, and humor. None of us know how long this pandemic will last or in what ways our lives will be changed. We only have today. It is what we do today that matters.

Several things happened this week that helped me cope with next. I hope some of these will help you in the weeks ahead.


7 Uplifting Discoveries That Will Help You Cope With Next

1. Be Compassionate

Extending compassion to others comes in many forms, from offering a listening ear to sharing a smile with a stranger, to bringing groceries to someone who is homebound. One of my girlfriends told me about her friend that just started the initiative, Million Gallons. Their goal is to provide food security for restaurant, hospitality, and other workers that have been displaced by the coronavirus in Westchester County and New York City. A Million Gallons hopes to make and distribute one million gallons of soup. I am in awe of how quickly they mobilized with compassion and purpose to help those in need. To learn more about their compassion-driven cause, watch the video. What act of kindness have you experienced?



2. Identify Feelings

You might be feeling all kinds of emotions. Some of them you can easily name, while others are harder to identify. One of the feelings that surfaced in several conversations this past week was grief. On a Zoom call with my organizing colleagues, after listening to them share how they were feeling, it was clear that a few were experiencing grief. Their grief was not over the loss of a loved one. Instead, it was from their loss of purpose, of working, and of helping their clients. Later in the week, both my yoga teacher and Rabbi referenced the Harvard Business Review article, That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief. In the article, David Kessler, the preeminent grief expert, explored how to acknowledge, manage, and find meaning in the pandemic-induced grief you could be experiencing. It’s an insightful piece that helped me feel gentler towards others and myself. What are you feeling right now?



3. Find Humor

In this time of social distancing and isolation, we are finding different ways of being engaged with the world. I’ve become more aware of how institutions such as museums, aquariums, and zoos are keeping us connected through video. One segment I saw this past week made me smile from ear to ear. Two penguins from the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago were allowed to run loose as they wandered around and toured the exhibits. It was so much fun to watch! What added humor to your day?



4. Notice Indicators

Being that I live in New York, which is one of the current COVID-19 outbreak hotbeds, my husband and I have been staying put. We only go out to get groceries, pick-up food from local restaurants, go on walks, take a drive to nowhere, or do yard work. When I’m out, I notice changes, especially at the grocery store. Several weeks ago, I saw shortages of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes. As the weeks continued, additional items came into short supply like hand soap, dish soap, paper towels, tissues, cleaning supplies, ice cream, eggs, Tylenol, chicken broth, and chicken. And this week, when I went to the market, the chicken and ice cream had been replenished, but the entire supply of chocolate chip morsels had been ravaged. Those shelves were completely empty. I realized that one of the home activities parents were doing with their kids was baking cookies. A happy feeling ran through me, as I was flooded with love-filled memories of baking with our daughters. What indicators are you noticing?



5. Get Creative

It’s been fascinating to watch how companies and individuals are using the pause to get creative with projects, how they do business or infuse creativity in their days. Baked By Susan, one of our local bakeries, put together “decorate your own cupcake” kits. One of my friends is busy knitting a complicated cardigan. I’ve been testing out some new recipes, writing, taking photos, and creating organizing videos. One of the recent recipes I tried from the Yotam Ottolenghi’s Simple cookbook that my daughter, Allison, gave me was mashed sweet potato with lime salsa. It was so delicious and easy to make. If you’d like the recipe, let me know in the comments, and I’ll share it with you. What creative outlets are catching your attention?



6. Seek Connections

You might be isolating, but you are not alone. There are different ways that we connected with people before the pandemic. And temporarily, many of those intentional and casual points of contact have now been cut off. But we are social beings. We need one another. One of the things that have kept me sane is finding new ways to connect and “be with” the various communities and people in my life. Zoom has been a positive and satisfying way of staying connected with family, friends, colleagues, yoga, organizing, and spiritual communities. I recognize that not everyone feels connected to a community. If you are struggling, feeling alone and isolated, the COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline is 844-863-9314. What way has connecting changed for you during this time?



7. Explore Nature

We experience many positive benefits for our wellbeing when we spend time in nature. Can you recall a recent time when you walked in the woods, felt the fresh air and sun on your skin, or dipped your toes in the sea? Being surrounded by nature can be restorative for our minds and bodies. Lately, I’ve mostly been walking in the woods since the path is less crowded than other local spots. But this week, I walked along the Hudson River path. I loved being by the water, hearing the birds sing, and seeing the spring foliage just beginning to bloom. I know that not everyone has access to or the desire to be outdoors. One of the other discoveries I made this week was from the New York Botanical Garden. Like many institutions, they too have temporarily closed. However, you can take a virtual tour of their magnificent orchid exhibit. So if you love seeing, but not being in nature, try a remote viewing. In what way does nature improve your wellbeing?


When we are experiencing grief and other strong emotions, it’s hard to think about next. In this time, next might need to be a big dose of self-compassion. Or, perhaps it will be you reaching out to someone else that is hurting. Regardless, there are ways to cope and simultaneously uplift yourself and others. What have you discovered? What has inspired you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to leave a comment and join our conversation.