What happens when you lose your groove? Do you know what I mean? You’ve established a habit. You’ve committed to a habit and then life gets in the way. How do you come back? How do you re-motivate yourself to return to that thing, that habit that you know and love?
As I sat to write my weekly post, I realized that this is exactly what I’ve experienced. It’s been three weeks since my last post. In the past five plus years, I’ve written one blog post per week with a few exceptions. It’s a habit I enjoy, find creative and have been committed to.
However, I’ve faced some challenges in these recent weeks that forced me to let go of certain commitments (as in writing the weekly blog post and engaging as actively on social media) so that I could handle others. Yes there was guilt. Yes there was disappointment. But it was also necessary to let go to make room for some emergencies and out of the ordinary challenges.
Here are some reminders I gave myself about motivation:
I can come back at any time.
I need to be flexible because there are only 24 hours in a day.
Some of those 24 hours are needed for sleep, which is essential for recharging.
If I’m exhausted, I won’t have the energy or motivation to do anything.
Return to your source for centering. Water and sun restore me.
If I’ve gotten way off track, take one tiny step towards that “project” or habit and it will feed my motivation.
Practice self-compassion.
Listen to your cheerleaders.
Just start.
Let go of perfect.
Needless to say, I’ve missed all of you. I’ve missed our conversations. I’m glad to be back after taking a break to tend to some family and professional challenges. I get that I expect a lot from myself. Does this sound familiar? I get that there’s a balance between doing and not doing. I’m working on that.
What about you? Does any of this resonate? Has life ever gotten in the way and thrown you off course? It’s temporary. What do you do to re-motivate? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation.