Linda's Top 10 Motivators

What motivates you to act? What gets you from point A to point B? I’ve got my list. You’ve got yours. I’ll share mine. Come and share yours.

Linda’s Top 10 Motivators

1. Crossing It Off

Oh, yes! Give me a piece of paper and a red pen. Just knowing that I get to steer the pen through the “to do,” can be motivation in itself to get it done.

2. Anticipating Treat

Knowing that a “sweet treat” break (like ice cream or chocolate) is on the other side can motivate me to finish.

3. Upcoming Deadline

Using a timer, a calendar, or an appointment that imposes a fixed timeframe for completion can work motivational wonders.

4. Promising Others

Following through on my commitments and staying true to my word motivates me to action.

5. Promising Self

Accountability works when I’m accountable not just to others but also to myself. Setting goals motivates me to move forward.

6. Conjuring Up Fun

When fun is involved in the doing, it draws me in and motivates me to action.

7. Reducing Pain

If not doing is causing me stress or pain, it motivates me to move forward.

8. Harnessing Nice Days

I wake up more motivated and productive on clear, sun-filled days. I like to take advantage of that when possible.

9. Calling It Quits

There’s point of no return when productivity declines. It’s like pushing a wet noodle. I’m too tired, too stressed, and too too. It’s time to stop and relax so that I can become motivation-ready once again.

10. Cheering You On

I can experience a motivation surge when I’m close but not quite done with a project or task. The “You can do it!” cheer plays over and over in my head until I reach the finish line.

Do any of these motivators work for you? Do you have a different list? Come join the conversation. I’d love to hear your thoughts.