How to Cope With Your Anxiety That Accompanies Next
Let’s just put it out there. Right now, we are all feeling so much uncertainty, stress, and anxiety. As a world community, we are facing times like none we have ever experienced. Each day a new COVID-19 announcement arrives in my inbox, letting me know what measures a retailer, bank, religious group, small business, or government is taking to navigate the pandemic. It’s a constantly changing situation. I have great admiration for many of the leaders that are doing their best to keep our communities, workers, neighbors, and families safe. It’s no easy task to know what to do or what will happen next. Because next is a fluid situation.
Initially, I thought this week would be the ideal time to offer you organizing strategies and suggestions to help you feel more prepared for next. That was my full intention when I woke up yesterday to write this piece. However, something interesting happened during the day. Instead of sitting down to write after meditating and eating breakfast, I spent the next several hours checking in with some family and friends.
The day was sunny and warm. After getting off the calls, I wasn’t ready to sit down to write. Instead, my husband and I went out for some fresh air and took a short walk in the woods. Surprise, surprise, but next it was time for lunch. Even after lunch, I wasn’t ready to write. Instead, I went outside again and did some leaf raking and yard cleanup. I enjoyed the physical movement and warm sun. I checked in with a few more people by phone and email, ate a Yasso frozen yogurt pop (chocolate peanut butter…yum!), made some tea, and then sat to write.
You might be wondering what happened to my day? What happened to the list of organizing strategies I was going to share? Why did I spend my time socially engaging (from afar,) being outside, and not writing first thing as I had planned?
I realized that while I could write a list of suggestions on how to organize during this time of anxiety and uncertainty, instead, I opted to share how I coped that day. Maybe some of these will resonate with you. I spent my time connecting with loved ones, meditating, enjoying nature, doing some physical activity, hanging out with my husband, and then writing. I am guessing that for many of you, it’s a day-by-day experience with figuring out the best way for your days to flow. We are in uncharted territory.
We’ve been receiving tons of updates and notices in our inboxes about coping with the pandemic. I’m not going to add to your lists with links and more suggestions. Instead, I offer you a moment of calm during this time of anxiety. I encourage you to look for the beauty that is around you- the spring arriving, a kind gesture from a stranger, a call from a concerned friend, or the soothing sip from your hot cup of tea. Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat.
How are you coping? What is helping you navigate the uncertainty of next? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Stay safe. Stay healthy. I invite you to join the conversation.