Are Your Pants Too Tight?
El Anatsui, artist“Change is the hallmark of transition.” – Alexander Levy
Transitions can be prickly as we navigate change. Have you ever experienced that uncomfortable feeling when you’re in the midst of a transition? You don’t feel quite like yourself. It’s like wearing a favorite pair of pants that used to be great and now the fit is off. Are your pants too tight?
Most of us don’t like being uncomfortable. However, trying something new, going in a different direction, or changing in any way will most definitely bring with it those awkward feelings. Let’s get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Let’s accept that it’s part of the change process.
Doubt can also accompany transition and change. This is normal. We are moving into uncharted territory and we aren’t sure about how we’ll manage. If you think back to other times of change, what strengths did you draw upon? What successes did you experience? Access those now. In the interview I did with Judith Kolberg, founder of ICD (formerly NSGCD,) when asked about change strategies for overcoming the fear factor, she said, “My favorite is to draw on their experience. If they are an adult, somewhere in their lifetime they’ve made a big change and survived it.”
Change is a process. You have abundant choices in both your attitude and actions. If your pants are too tight, you get to decide if you’ll keep wearing them or if it’s time for a new pair.
Come join in the conversation and share your ideas. What are your thoughts about change, transition, or those pants that no longer fit?