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Vacations are precious. Our normal lives get suspended for a time while we unwind and have adventures. These breaks in our routine are essential to help us recharge. I have a special love of beach vacations, which are low-keyed and conducive to relaxing, relaxing and more relaxing.

Isn’t it interesting though that in order to take these breaks, there is quite a lot of organizing that goes into being able to leave? Upon returning from vacation, there seems to be even more items to handle. We do our best to remain as long as possible in that unhurried vacation-mode, even with all the “to dos” calling out to us.

For me, I felt very appreciative for the help my family gave before, during and after our recent summer vacation. In order to get ready, everyone took care of packing their own bags, wrapping up their loose ends, keeping focused on our departure time and leaving the house mentally prepared for our long road trip.

During our vacation, they helped with grocery shopping, meal prep, clean-up, lugged things back and forth to the beach, modeled an appreciation for the here and now, participated in conversations, games, shared in the driving and provided an abundance of great music. All of this help enabled us to have a fun, stress-free time together. It wasn’t one person doing everything. We helped each other and that made our vacation more enjoyable.

Upon returning home, everyone unpacked, helped with laundry and focused on the many things that needed attention. As I write this, numerous things are vying for my energy. I’m mindful of the fact that during vacation, I allowed myself not to do. Now that I’ve returned, I’m working on doing one thing at a time, maintaining some of that vacation-calm and remembering that I don’t have to do everything myself.

What help can you enlist today to make your days less stressful?