This time of year in the northeast, the daily changes outside are visible. Aside from the temperatures dropping, which means it’s now scarf and glove weather, the landscape transforms too. Each day I notice more leaves turning yellow, orange, red, or brown. Some have already dropped to the ground. In another few months, a starker landscape will be here. But for now, color dots my view and nudges me to embrace change and lean towards what’s possible.
What makes you take action? There is a pattern I’ll call Thought-Motivation-Action Cycle (TMA), which I’ve observed and experienced. Thought, followed by motivation, turns into action. The undercurrent for this change cycle is a belief that what you want to accomplish is possible.
The thought is an idea, rumination, or possibility. This can percolate in your mind for a long time without gaining traction. It’s a place many of us get stuck. Then, something will happen, providing motivation to turn that thought into action.
Motivation can be internally driven by your response to a significant life event, having enough information, or having the time and focus for activation. External motivation can happen through accountability to someone, partnering, or having a deadline. Think of motivation like a match pressing the striker and igniting. That tiny spark changes everything.
The flame encourages a small action step, then another, and another. It feels tremendous to be doing and not just thinking about doing. Each action encourages more progress and forward movement.
“The undercurrent for this change cycle is a belief that what you want to accomplish is possible.”
When clients initially contact me, they often mention they’ve been thinking about getting organized or asking for help for ages. I ask what prompted their call, which helps me gain insight into their motivation. With those two parts of the TMA cycle clarified, we focus on specific actions and make progress towards their goals.
Have you experienced the TMA cycle? What have you observed? As the season cues you for change, what feels possible? I’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to join the conversation.