5 Fortune Cookie Organizing Tips

There are some things that make me happy. Eating fortune cookies and reading the fortunes are some of them. There is something fun and silly about it, which is what I most enjoy. On a recent winter evening, my husband and I had Chinese take-out, which included one dozen fortune cookies, specially requested by me. At the end of our meal, we ate the cookies and shared our fortunes.
This ritual involves getting good fortunes, bad ones and those that don’t make any sense. No matter which variety, the sharing always provides interesting conversations and thoughts to ponder.
I’d like to share with you the best five fortunes from our dinner as they relate to organizing, starting over, and making the best of the time we have.
5 Fortune Cookie Organizing Tips
Fortune #1: Gratitude
“You are very grateful for the small pleasures of life.”
Let’s begin with the basics. If you are feeling overwhelmed with the magnitude of editing, decluttering, and organizing that’s ahead of you, think about gratitude to help redefine your mood. Look for the moments that you’re thankful for. Be grateful for the one drawer you just organized or the fact that you were able to locate your keys or that you gave yourself five minutes at the end of the day to clear off your desk. Gratitude is there for you. It will enhance your daily experience and help propel you forward.
Fortune #2: Let Go
“Forget those things that aren’t worth remembering.”
We know about physical clutter. There is also mind clutter. Sometimes it’s from all the “to do” items we are holding in our brains. Other times it’s the negative messages of past failures that we keep repeating. Release that stuff! Send the to dos to paper or an audio reminder. Stop the negativity from repeating. Find a new message that focuses on your strengths and accomplishments.
Fortune #3: Small Steps
“He who climbs a ladder must begin at the first step.”
You are headed to great places. I see you in your organized, wonderful space. It’s supporting you and your needs. It’s working with and not against you. Be patient. Take one small step at a time and you will be successful.
Fortune #4: Best Self
“Wherever you go, whenever you can, try to leave a gift.”
This is the gift of self. We all struggle and have challenges. As you move ahead in this new year, on this new day, bring the best of who you are to the party. Your positive energy and thoughts will attract others’ positivity. That will refuel your tank to keep you moving towards the organizing goals you seek.
Fortune #5: Possibilities
“Be prepared to accept a wondrous opportunity in the days ahead!”
When we take the time to organize and clear our physical and mental clutter, we open up space for new opportunities and thoughts. It’s your time to move forward and get ready for things you may have never imagined. Your willingness to seek change and growth will draw possibilities towards you.
Which fortune resonates with you? What’s possible for you now? I invite you to join the conversation.