Posts tagged time
New Year, New Vision

Change is all around. Winter weather is here. The holidays have come and gone, and the New Year has arrived. I sense the seasonal pressure for change and a reset. Before moving forward, it’s helpful to reflect. I’m doing this by reading my journals, going through blog posts, reviewing stats, photos, the calendar, and more.

The year-end audit helps me understand what was, so I can future-think and plan for the new year. What will I let go of or embrace? What deserves more time, energy, and attention? Which goals will I pursue? The possibilities are exciting and also, in truth, a bit overwhelming. Only by doing the work will I get clarity.

I need quiet time to think, read, research, and reflect. Then, I’ll create a vision for 2023. Last year was the first time I made a vision board. It was so empowering that I’m doing it again. Elements included were a Word of the Year, a motto, and three big themed buckets with 9 to 12 goals each. With changes in mind, I’m open to altering the vision board process and outcome as needed. What do you want more or less of this year?

Wishing you a happy, healthy, joy-filled, and organized 2023!

The Summer Exhale

The beginning of summer feels like a giant exhale. The kids are off from school, the anticipation of travel plans is present, and a visceral sense of ‘having more time’ is palpable. Is it because the days are longer? Is it that some of the regular meetings and responsibilities are on pause? Is the desire to relax and play so needed? Summer cues us to shift gears.

Some of my friends are teachers and have the summer off. Others are in pre-retirement mode. I am happy for them and am fascinated by how they embrace their less scheduled time. While I’m feeling the calmer summer vibe, I am working and don’t have the summer off.  I have, however, been playing more and appreciating extended daylight to walk in the woods or be outside.

I’m also looking forward to beach time and exploring new and familiar places. With the recent heat, I can’t wait to return to the water. Kayaking on the Croton River is one of my favorite things to do.

Summer is also a great time to edit, plan, and fix. I’ll be working on a few projects for my home and business. Let me know if you want help organizing your thoughts or things this summer. I’m here to support you and am a quick phone call or email away. How can I help?