3 Brilliant Little Lessons 'Magic Lettuce' Taught Me About Clutter
This spring was the first time I grew lettuce in my tiny garden. Since we eat a lot of lettuce, I thought it would be an excellent vegetable to grow. However, until recently, I didn’t know I planted not just lettuce but magic lettuce. It turns out that magic lettuce has a lot to teach us about clutter.
You’re probably wondering what makes my lettuce special? For experienced gardeners, it might seem like plain old lettuce. However, as a newbie gardener, I am amazed and delighted at how quickly it replenishes. I can pick leaves to make a big salad one night, and two days later, the lettuce is back to its pre-picked size.
I love nurturing and watering the plants, which help them thrive. While I have an abundance of lettuce, it’s the right amount to feed us. I pick it frequently enough, so it doesn’t get too cluttered or overgrown.
3 Little Lessons ‘Magic Lettuce’ Taught Me About Clutter
1. It’s All in the Edit
The lettuce will grow out of control and become a waste if it goes unchecked and unpicked. This is also true of our physical clutter. If we collect things without trimming or editing, our possessions will overtake our space.
2. The Abundance Perspective
Abundance can be positive or negative depending upon your perspective. I experience constant joy in harvesting fresh greens for our salads. I embrace the abundance but also manage to keep the plants balanced.
With physical clutter, you might enjoy having a lot of some things like shoes or a particular collectible. I’m a Pez dispenser collector. However, you might feel overwhelmed by too many papers, books, or kitchen gadgets. Our attitude about abundance is influenced by what “too much” means. Know and manage your limits.
“Clutter will increase if you don’t create intentionality and boundaries for your stuff.”
3. My ‘Magic Clutter’ Theory
I explained my theory about magic lettuce and how quickly it grows. Have you encountered magic clutter? My clients often describe their clutter as “growing overnight” or “it keeps coming back.” In the case of lettuce, magic is a positive thing. However, the magic aspect is negative with clutter because most of my clients want less of it. They definitely don’t want it to return.
Lettuce needs to be intentionally nurtured to grow. The opposite is true with clutter, which will increase if you don’t create intentionality and boundaries for your stuff.
When it comes to lettuce, I love that it grows continually. I don’t feel that way about clutter. Activating the edit, understanding your perspective, and creating intentionality will help you become clutter-free. What enables you to keep clutter in check? Which ideas resonate with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts, and I invite you to join the conversation.
If you are overwhelmed by clutter and want to create a peaceful balance with your stuff, I’m here to help. Let’s talk. Contact me at linda@ohsoorganized.com, 914-271-5643, or click here.