Posts tagged Real Simple
3 Ways to Be Compassionate

In the organizing industry, there’s one trait that is regularly mentioned as a desired quality for professional organizers to possess. It’s compassion. Recently I read a Real Simple article that talked about compassion. What’s encouraging is that we can increase our “CQ” at any time. It begins with awareness.





3 Ways to Be Compassionate

Small Gestures
People are hurting all around us. We can’t fix every situation, but simple acts of support can make a difference. One of my friends stopped by with a container of chicken soup and chocolate bars to lift my spirits during a rough time.

Power of Touch
When someone is distressed, we might not always have the right words. Dr. Helen Riess, suggests that if appropriate a hug, pat, or hand squeeze can be another way to show your support and compassion.

We might not always agree with our loved ones, but acknowledging how they feel, and being able to see their perspective is what compassion is about. It’s the glue that holds relationships together.

What resonates with you? How is compassion present in your life? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join our conversation.





What Does Success Mean to You?

Success is the topic we’re exploring this month on the blog. Apparently, we’re in good company. In this month’s Real Simple magazine they shared the results of “The Success Poll.

Real Simple and Timeasked 1,000 women and 300 men to weigh in on success issues including questions about work, life, ambition, finances, and time.

Nearly two-thirds of women said that success was “a never-ending pursuit rather than a defined goal.”

One particular question caught my attention, which I’d like to share with you. Women were asked to define success. Their top three responses were:

1. “Accomplishing your goals and dreams.”

2. “Being at peace.”

3. “Having financial stability.”

About a year ago, my good friend and colleague, Geralin Thomas interviewed me for her Managing Modern Life® Organizing Blog as part of the “Professional Organizing Business Models” series. She asked, “Do you consider yourself successful and why or why not?” Click here to read my response.

What does success mean to you? What are your top three responses or definition of success? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation.

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6 Ways to Shift Your Balance

While mindfulness is part of my daily practice, these days I find myself in more of an anticipation mode. This distracts my attention away from now. I feel the pull between my desire to be present and my thoughts about planning for next year. These rumblings mess with my sense of balance. I’m teetering on the seesaw going up and down between now and later. Is it just me, or is anyone else feeling this way?

One of the magazines I enjoy reading regularly is Real Simple. The January issue is about life balance. It has an assortment of interesting articles, statistics, and viewpoints. What struck me most was the cover, which had a variety of words that suggested the promise of “how to live the balanced life.” I thought it would be interesting to share them, but alter the context. Instead of specifically focusing on gadgets, wardrobes and diets as they did, let’s instead use the verbs to concentrate on what’s most important to you.

Are you ready to experiment? Read the list below. Fill in as many blanks as you wish. Declare the changes you want to make for the coming year.

1. Reduce - If I had less (__), I’d feel more balanced. Letting go can propel us forward, help us feel calmer, and be less stressed. Overabundance can lead to overwhelm. What do you want to less of? What will you reduce?

2. Increase - If I had more (__), I’d feel more balanced. This might be about the stuff, but more probably, it’s about time, people, and growth. What do you want more of? What will you increase?

3. Improve - If I improved (__), I’d feel more balanced.   Is there an area you’d like to challenge yourself in like eating more nutritiously, learning a new skill, or honing one you already have? What area do you want to tweak? What would you like to improve?

4. Simplify - If I simplified (__), I’d feel more balanced. We live in a complex world. How can you rethink your days to remove the layers of complexity? Can you change your routines, commitments, or schedule? What can you streamline? What will you simplify?

5. Make - If I made (__), I’d feel more balanced.            The act of creating something can infuse us with energy, joy, and satisfaction. Creativity comes in many forms from writing to singing to cooking to dancing to painting and more. Where do you want to channel your creative juices? What do you want to make?

6. Solve - If I solved (__), I’d feel more balanced.              Do you have a challenge and feel stuck? Sometimes we need help figuring out the next step. Can you reach out for brainstorming or delegation help to find a solution? Who can you ask? What will move you forward? What would you like to solve?

Was this exercise useful? Are there any additions you’d like to add to the list? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Which words resonate with you? Come join the conversation.