Is It Now Recommended to Simultaneously Prioritize Joy and Declutter?

Many of my virtual organizing clients are overwhelmed by clutter, so they reach out for help. One of the common threads is the sense they need to postpone all fun and joy until they completely declutter. In truth, it’s challenging to work intensely without taking a break or replenishing your reserves. Having joy-infused counterbalances to organizing can bring renewed energy and focus.

Earlier this week, I had an Executive Mom Nest meeting where we talked about ways to prioritize joy. Transformational Coach Advisor Leesa Askew gave us a writing exercise to list 20 things that bring us joy. They didn’t have to be big things. Our lists mainly focused on simple stuff. Some of mine included:

  • Taking that first sip of coffee in the morning 

  • Walking in nature

  • Walking with a friend

  • Writing in my journal

  • Being at the beach

  • Sitting in the sun

  • Taking photos

  • Talking with our kids

  • Smelling the lilacs

At the end of the meeting, we were encouraged to select one item from our joy list and commit to doing it that day. I knew right away which one to choose- smelling the lilacs! As their blooming season is short, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to take in their intoxicating scent.

While running errands, I had driven past this gorgeous blooming bush of lilacs several times. I thought, “Linda, stop the car, get out, and smell them.”  However, in the interest of getting things done, I kept driving. Or, I chose to postpone this simple moment of joy to do other things. Does that sound familiar? Have you ever decided not to have fun or lean into a special moment because you were preoccupied with something else?

After the prioritizing joy conversation, I made an intentional trip to the lilacs. When I arrived, I parked my car and walked down the block. I leaned over, placed my nose close to the lavender flowers, took a deep breath, and let the fragrance flood my senses. It was a happy moment.

Prioritizing joy and decluttering aren’t mutually exclusive.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO

For you, joy might come in other forms. Instead of nature, lilacs, and sun, you might prefer a coffee date with a friend, curling up with a good book, or eating by candlelight. The possibilities abound. You can simultaneously prioritize decluttering, organizing, or any large project and engage in joyous moments. Prioritizing joy and decluttering aren’t mutually exclusive. In fact, prioritizing regular encounters with delight will help you approach the challenging parts of your day with clarity and perspective.

Do you postpone fun and joy when you’re feeling overwhelmed by clutter? What brings you joy? What overwhelms you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

How to Successfully Let Go Now Even If It's Only for Today

Do you ever feel compelled to complete a project, start one, or simply get random tasks done instead of not doing them? Honestly, most days, that’s me. My inner driver strives to accomplish and move things forward. I’m not perpetually focused on my list, but I am always aware of items that need my attention. I enjoy the satisfaction of getting things done. Today was no different. Does this sound familiar?

Sometimes I recognize what I really need to do is let go. I had my list of what I wanted to accomplish today, and writing this post was at the top. However, after meditating, journaling, and eating a leisurely breakfast, I took a walk with my husband. The beautiful spring day called out to me. “Linda, it’s too nice to be inside. Come out now!” With an offer like that, how could I resist?

Guess what? I couldn’t refuse, so I leaned in, let go, and went for a long walk before sitting down to write. It was time to savor simple pleasures.

The air was warm with a slight breeze. We wandered over the Croton dam and meandered through the woods. We spotted yellow and purple flowers, heard bamboo stalks rustling, smelled the sweetness of spring, heard birds chirping, and listened to the sounds of flowing water. It felt so good to be outside on this amazing day. I let go of and paused my to-do list to enjoy nature and time with Steve.

Sometimes I recognize what I really need to do is let go.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO

After our walk, we ate lunch outside in the backyard. The warm sun made us a tad bit sleepy. So uncharacteristically, we took a short nap in our chairs as the birds sang and the sun lulled us to sleep. When we woke, I was ready to activate.

Here I am now, writing this shorter post. Soon I will go outside again to partake in this spectacular day. 

What can you let go of now, even if it’s only for today? Do you need a break from your list? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

3 Ways to Let Go of Big & Joyfully Experience Powerful Benefits of Little

We live in times where bigger and more are frequently sought goals. Perhaps the desire for big has become so deeply ingrained that it flavors decisions and attitudes. We seek larger spaces, collect more stuff, and fill our carts and plates, so they overflow. In some scenarios, this might be useful. However, if we let go and shift towards little, some incredible things happen.

Perhaps it’s the effects of the pandemic or being a Professional Organizer for almost 30 years, but I have discovered a renewed appreciation for the art of smaller and less. Just to clarify, I love the word abundance. However, we can feel full without having more or becoming overwhelmed. In the quietness of little, we have the space to truly understand its gifts.

Recently, I had some experiences which brought this idea into focus. 


3 Ways to Let Go of Big & Joyfully Experience Powerful Benefits of Little

1. Little Garden

Like many, I planted my first vegetable garden at the start of the pandemic. However, unlike some of my friends and neighbors, I wasn’t a confident gardener. So I opted to do it in a small, manageable way by keeping my ‘garden’ contained and little. In our greenhouse, I put three pots of varying sizes.

This spring is my third year, and I planted lettuce, basil, and mint. Because there were so few pots, it was easy to do. And it’s simple to maintain. Each time I water and mist them, I am delighted as I watch them grow and thrive. They are happy-looking plants and it feels good to care for them.

It would be too time-consuming to have a more extensive garden to tend, and I doubt I’d appreciate each plant as much. That’s just me. By letting go of big and opting for my little garden, I can provide freshness for our meals, enjoy the nurturing process, and do it joyfully.



2. Little Group

Gatherings with family and friends happened this past weekend for Passover, Easter, or Ramadan. After two years of not getting together because of the pandemic, we were excited to be in person again. However, with COVID still present and surging, it impacted many gatherings where hosts or guests canceled last minute. It happened to us, and several of our guests couldn’t make it because of COVID.

My husband and I made our Passover seder hosting plans over a month ago. In the past, we’ve had close to 40 guests. This year, we let go of having a larger group and went smaller. This was partly because of the pandemic and because it’s more challenging to host a bigger group. Frankly, I was out of practice. We ended up with 15 people, which was a great size. It was enjoyable because I got to talk with everyone, sit calmly and eat, see people interacting, and have enough space to move about. 

By going small, I appreciated the gathering even more.

In the quietness of little, we have the space to truly understand its gifts.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO

3. Little Habits

When I work with clients to help them reach their organizing goals, we often focus on adopting new daily habits by taking tiny steps to get there. When we break things down into small, doable steps, it is less overwhelming.

Like my clients, I’ve made many intentional changes in my life. When we’re working on that tiny step or small habit change, it seems like nothing is happening. But in time, we notice and feel the positive shifts.

The practice of tiny movements and choices creates incredible results. Some of the small daily habits I’ve made include meditation and journaling, walking in nature, eating nutritiously, hydrating, and getting enough sleep. Did I make all of those changes at once? Definitely not. Each habit began in little ways. For example, I eventually increased to walking 10,000 steps per day. But it took time to get there- literally one small step at a time. I let go of focusing on the big goals to reach the little goals along the way.

The benefits of my small habit changes are palpable. Because they have a low barrier to entry, it’s easier to be consistent and continue building from there.

Have you experienced the benefits of letting go of big to experience the joy of little? Does this idea resonate with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts, and I invite you to join the conversation.

What Can You Easily Let Go of Now to Reap One Astounding Harvest?

The last few weeks have been flowing forcefully with a mixture of highs and lows. How have they been for you? I had the joy of speaking at the 3rd International Virtual Summit for Virtual Organisers and exchanging ideas with colleagues from around the globe. On the other end of the emotional spectrum, I experienced the profound loss of my brother-in-law, Larry, while simultaneously marking the first anniversary of my mom’s passing and the tenth anniversary of my dad’s.

When we lose our loved ones, a certain amount of letting go happens because their physical presence ceases to exist. However, they remain with us through our stories, memories, and dreams.

Last month, I read something inspiring that author Todd Henry wrote. He asked,

“What kind of harvest do you want to reap a year from now? And what seeds are you planting right now that will increase your chances of seeing those results?”

When we think about the “harvest” we want to reap, it’s as much about the seeds we nurture as it is about letting go of those things that hinder growth. I often see this with my clients. Their goal is to declutter, let go, and get organized. Clear, calm physical and mental space is the harvest they seek. Yet, it’s essential to let go of some belongings, unhelpful habits, and negative self-talk to get there. The goal is clear, but the journey can be challenging. Progress happens when we finally lean into letting go.

Progress happens when we finally lean into letting go.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO

Circling back to the highs and lows of these past weeks, I think about how they relate to reaping. When I pivoted my business to virtual organizing, I planted various seeds that led to beautiful harvests, including new clients, speaking engagements, and exciting business and media opportunities. I let go of how I used to work, stayed flexible, and reimagined my organizing business. I continue to plant and nurture new seeds as I navigate the changing landscape.

When Larry died on the heels of my mother and father’s anniversaries, I thought about the relationship seeds I planted for all of these decades. Those were nurtured and resulted in close, loving bonds. I wouldn’t trade them for anything, even though my heart aches as I let go. There will be no more phone conversations, hand-holding, or hugs. Instead, I will remember my loved ones in the scent of the pine needles, the laughter at silly jokes, and the road trip quests for homemade pies. 

We plant seeds and nurture them. We lean in and let go. What can you let go of to accomplish the goals you seek? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.