I’m happy to bring you the newest installment (v7) of the “What’s Interesting?” feature where I share my latest discoveries that inform, educate, and relate to organizing and life balance. I’ve included unique and inspiring success-related finds, which reflect this month’s blog theme. You are a magnificently, engaged group. I look forward to your participation and additions to the collection I’ve sourced for you. What do you find interesting?
What’s Interesting? . . .

1. Interesting Read – Redefining Success
Several months ago, I had the opportunity to meet the inspiring Arianna Huffington and hear her speak about her new book, Thrive. After working to the point of collapse, she was motivated to find ways to fix her “broken definition of success.” She wrote, “What we’re beginning to recognize is that success is not always about doing more, but also about doing better – and we do better when we’re connected to our inner wisdom, strength, and intuition.” Success has traditionally been tied to money and power. Sharing stories and scientific research, she proposes a third metric consisting of well-being, wisdom, wonder, and giving.
2. Interesting Resource – Organizing Success

My friends at Smead have a terrific podcast series, SmeadOrganomics, where they interview organizers on a variety of topics, including everything from organizing tech tools to closets to time. I’ve enjoyed being interviewed by the wonderful John Hunt for several of these podcasts. In the latest video, “How to Choose a Professional Organizer That’s Right For You,” I share questions to ask before hiring an organizer so that you will achieve the ultimate success in your organizing journey.
3. Interesting Product – Workplace Success

Joel Health, founder of Fluidstance says, “You were designed to move – It’s likely your workspace was not.” His company has created the LevelTM, a unique product, which is a skateboard-like platform. The wood and aluminum board lets you wobble while you work, allowing for subtle movements and increasing your heart rate by 15 percent. We know that sitting all day or standing still for prolonged periods is unhealthy and physically taxing your body. The Level provides a new way to add movement to your workday.

4. Interesting Tech – Tracking Success
You just had your keys, glasses, or wallet in hand, but they have suddenly gone missing. Stress no more. You can find your lost items in seconds with the Tile, a Bluetooth tracker. Attach or affix Tiles on your everyday items, then keep track of them using the Apple or Android app. What was lost is now easily found!
5. Interesting Thought – Perspective Success