How Will Being Open or Unsure Focus Your Possibilities Perspective?
There are times when you’re on a journey, and certain things begin to connect. An idea from one place melds into a concept from a completely different corner of your life. Something you’re focusing on begins appearing everywhere. For example, if you start organizing, randomly, other friends and strangers share their organizing stories with you. Or have you ever bought a new car and then you start noticing on the road tons of that exact car? This frequently happens to me each month when I write about a singular blog theme. Conversations and observations about that idea seem to find me. Or do I find them? What we look for appears. How does this apply to possibilities? I’m glad you asked.
This month on the blog possibilities is my theme. Since this is the last post of the month, I’m writing about perspective and possibilities. The idea for this post came from a recent session with my coach. I said something like,
“I’ve noticed a shift that I was feeling open to this process, and now I feel more unsure.”
My coach suggested that I write about that difference.
Then something else happened. I was in yoga class. And just to clarify, I’m new to yoga. This was only my third class. One of the things I love about the teacher is his philosophical life lesson that precedes doing actual yoga. At this session, he was talking about distracting thoughts and the choice we have with engagement. We can move towards or away from them. Then he used the phrase “ocean of possibilities.” I heard an imaginary bell sounding like, “Ding, ding, ding!”
The two separate situations informed each other. In the context that we all have an ocean of possibilities before us, how you perceive those opportunities will significantly influence your path forward.
Here are some questions to consider:
Does being unsure negatively affect your engagement in possibilities?
Does uncertainty prevent you from experimenting?
Does being unsure make you want to retreat to your comfort zone?
Does uncertainty make you fearful?
Does being unsure make you want to give up?
Is your mindset fixed?
Or . . .
How do you approach vast options?
Are you available to try something new?
Are you willing to experiment and stretch?
Are you open to not knowing the outcome?
Are you able to stay curious?
Are you able to let go of the result?
Is your mindset one of growth and learning?
Here’s the fascinating thing. I suspect that, like most journeys, there isn’t a single way of being. We go through non-linear phases with twists and turns. So we may have moments of bravery when we’re feeling positive and open to new possibilities. And other times, we retreat because things are not going along as quickly or as smoothly or as _________ (fill in the blank) as we expected.
Perhaps the thought of expectations puts restrictions on our journey. Can we be open, yet also expect? I’m not sure about that.
In the ocean of possibilities that are present, I strive to have an open heart and mind as I move forward. But I also realize that there will be bumps and setbacks along the way. On those days, uncertainty will get the better or me. Then I’ll find an opening. I’ll face my fear. I’ll reset and remind myself that out of uncertainty comes stretching in ways I never imagined, like in yoga class. While I don’t know where the journey will lead, I am excited about the growth and learning along the way.
What have you noticed about being open or unsure when faced with new possibilities and choices? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.