What Is Your Next Step and Why Is It Important?
Recently I was at the doctor’s office for an annual visit. On the wall was a sign with a series of suggested questions to ask the doctor during your appointment. Two in particular caught my attention since they related to this month’s theme, next step. While the questions were intended for a different purpose, I think you’ll find them useful for a variety of situations.
I’ve modified the language slightly to help focus your responses. When you’re stuck and feeling challenged with moving forward, ask yourself the following:
What is my next step?
Why is it important?
Pausing to question what will be next is useful in all situations. Adding the second question, that qualifying “why,” can add motivation and purpose to your action.
Some possible examples of what next and why important are-
Look at my to do list so that I can stay focused for the day.
Call doctor’s office to make an appointment because my health is a priority.
Organize my desk to provide physical and mental clarity needed to begin my new project.
Prepare meeting agenda so that I’ll be able to effectively run the meeting.
Work on the next phase of my project so it I can complete it on schedule.
Make a coffee date with my friend to nurture our relationship.
Begin my bedtime routine so that I’ll be alert and more productive tomorrow.
Write this blog post to stimulate an engaging, lively conversation.
I’m sure you can think of many more what and whys. I’d love to hear how these questions could work for you. Share your thoughts with us. What is your next step? Why is it important?