Oh, So Organized

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How to Use Two Simple Concepts That Will Improve Your Perspective About Next

There are two phases of next. There is the anticipation of next and the actual participation in next. Next involves thinking about something first and then engaging. How do these concepts work in unison to move us forward? How do they combine to create a fuller and more satisfying experience? Our attitude and perspective greatly influence both aspects of next.

Anticipation of Next

Thinking about what will happen next or what you want to happen next can bring about a variety of emotions. When there is something we’re excited about like taking a vacation or visiting with a loved one we experience positive anticipation. Savoring the expectation is one way of enhancing and expanding your good feelings. They easily carry forward to the participation stage and can extend beyond that too.

However, when we are nervous about something like organizing and addressing our clutter issues, anticipation can make us anxious. Under these circumstances, getting to the participation stage can be more challenging. There is an opportunity to change our experience. Positive emotions can arrive in the doing phase when you allow yourself to activate and accomplish the problematic “next.”

Imagine an Anticipation of Next scale from 1 to 10.

10 = “I’m so excited that I can’t wait for next!”

1 = “I’m petrified for next.”

Anticipation is always part of next. How we view it depends upon the situation and the perspective we bring. This is subjective, but in the list below, can you guess what number each is on the Anticipation of Next scale?

Here are some “next” things I am anticipating:

  • Learn to play the ukulele

  • Prepare for leading an organizing workshop

  • Write spring organizing newsletter

  • Redo our front walk and driveway

  • Schedule annual doctor appointments

Participation in Next

Once we’ve thought about next, we enter the doing phase. We are no longer just contemplating what will happen, we are engaging in what we had been expecting. Practicing mindfulness during this stage is useful. Notice what is happening. Is it different or similar to what you anticipated? How do your thoughts inform your experience of this phase? How does it feel to be immersed in doing after a prolonged suspense? What surprised you?

Imagine a Participation in Next scale from 1 to 10.

10 = “It was incredible and exceeded my expectation!”

1 = “It was a waste of my energy and time.”

It’s possible to get stuck in the anticipation phase to the degree that we never move on to the participation part. Our perspective and feelings during anticipation time is a crucial factor. Some next steps are easier to get to than others. This is subjective, but in the list below, can you guess what number each item is on the Participation in Next scale?

These are some “next” things I recently participated in:

  • Interviewed on WNYC

  • Took a ukulele workshop

  • Celebrated my mom’s 90th birthday

  • Sent our 2018 tax information to the accountant

  • Attended a mind/body workshop

The anticipation of and participation in next create opportunities for growth, positivity, and mindfulness. What have you experienced about next? Have you ever gotten stuck in the anticipation phase? Is it useful to consider the two “next” scales? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation!