What Wonderful Change Is Emerging Beneath Your Surface?
Change is all around us, as was evident on a recent walk. As I moved along a familiar Hudson River path, I noticed something unusual. Instead of flowing freely, the river’s surface was mostly frozen.
Sitting on a boulder along the river’s shore, I was mesmerized by the sounds and movement of the ice cracking and shifting. The frozen pieces were continually adjusting, pushing, sliding, and floating away. The tempo and noises changed as sections of ice piled-up and then released back to the river. While expansive portions of the river’s surface were frozen, there was a gentle motion beneath the ice. The rumblings below were covered with a mixture of stillness and agitation above.
How often is that true for us? Internally we begin to change even though it might be barely visible to others. We think about what we might want to do next? We ponder varying options and scenarios. We have conversations with ourselves that are either uplifting or discouraging. We might even get to the point of being overwhelmed just from thinking about change. We might appear frozen on the surface, yet inside we are full of activity and movement.
Then the ice cracks. A positive idea or word of encouragement breaks through. We see the light of possibility and change. The ice begins to thaw. Movement slowly occurs as we turn our thoughts into actions. The ice melts into our sea of change.
What changes or shifts are you noticing? Did any ideas resonate with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation!