Oh, So Organized

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How to Use Spring as Fantastic Clutter Antidote

The greening of spring is magnificent this year. The abundance of rain we’ve experienced in the past month has created the incredibly beautiful, lush blooms. I’ve been feeling a strong pull to spend more time outside so that I can drink in the changing landscape. Each day nature offers up new gifts, just waiting to be noticed.

Just yesterday, our first white iris opened. As I walked down the front path, I crouched down so that I could better see the bloom and take in its sweet candy-like scent. Time stood still. There were no lists, to dos, or clutter racing around my head. All doing was suspended for a few brief moments as I delighted in experiencing this new flower.

It was a quiet, mindful moment.


Throughout the remainder of the day, between the doing and getting things done, I kept returning to the iris. I visited it again and again, appreciating its scent and lovely paper-thin petals. It kept me grounded in the present. It allowed me to let go of my mind clutter and focus on what was right in front of me.

Perhaps you’re experiencing challenges with overwhelm, clutter, or lack of time. If so, you’re not alone. Change is possible. Pause for mindful moments. They might just be a surprising antidote to your clutter and overwhelm challenges. Incorporating more mindful moments into your day will shift your perspective and help you navigate the changing landscape.

What have you been noticing this spring? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation!