Oh, So Organized

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How to Immediately Put Back More "B" in Balance

It’s so darn easy to get out of balance. It can happen in an instant like when one of life’s emergencies surprises us. It can also happen ever so slowly when we get busy and aren’t able to carve out time for any self-care. So how can we get some of that daily “B” back into our lives? I suppose the first important thing is to recognize what it is you need to feel more balanced. It could be having some alone time or having more time with people. It might include eating more healthfully or getting more sleep. You might need one small tweak or some major changes. And frankly, some of us just like the chaos and prefer being out of balance all of the time. Where are you right now?

For me, well, I’ll admit that I went through an intense period that resulted in a wonderful balance. It didn’t happen overnight. It began about a year ago when I took an 8-week mindfulness course. That led to many shifts including changing my eating habits, journaling daily, seeing a nutritionist, doing back exercises, walking regularly, meditating daily, and losing weight. I felt less stressed and more energetic than I had in years. I didn’t expect or even plan for all of those changes to happen. One good habit led to another and then another. They became my balance building blocks.

Then starting in late summer, things slowly began moving in the opposite direction. The balance that I’d achieved began to slip away one habit at a time. My mom needed my attention and it made it increasingly challenging to focus on my routines. And just as slowly as I’d developed some great balance-producing habits, those same good habits managed to disappear one by one. What the heck happened? I worked so hard to get to that better place and then bam…many were gone over a few months!

It happens. Balance is like that seesaw. It’s not always level, but in a constant state of motion that requires thought and action. The intensity of what my family needed has subsided. My mom is settled into a new place that she loves. The family home is cleared and ready for sale. I am ready to refocus some of that energy back to myself. It almost feels selfish making that declaration, but truthfully, if we can’t nurture our core, how can we be available for anyone else?

Slowly, I’ll bring back some of the “B’s.” In the last few weeks, the short list has included:


  • Spending more time with friends and family
  • Having some alone, quiet time
  • Taking more photographs
  • Eating more vegetables
  • Walking more
  • Writing more regularly
  • Enjoying the beauty of the first snow


The operative word here is more. I don’t expect instant. I do get that if I consistently do just a little more each day, eventually I will get or surpass where I was six months ago.

There are more good habits to bring back. But as I’ve learned before, each good choice begets more good choices. We just have to be willing to:


  • Determine your balance and self-care needs
  • Commit to one, small change at a time
  • Recognize that change happens when we make different decisions
  • Cut ourselves some slack when we go off course


I wish you all the best as you find your right balance. What will be included in your balance plan? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation!