Oh, So Organized

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How Environment Influences Productivity

Our productivity flourishes when we recognize which environments enhance results. We can be intentional, as in creating designed, organized spaces. Or, we can embrace serendipity as in snow days, travel time, or “blob” days.

With chaos and overwhelm being more the norm these days, I’ve been especially aware how my environment influences my ability to not just be productive, but also to feel energized by a fresh start. Last week I wrote about the restart or fresh start button. This week, let’s focus on ways to increase productivity from our surroundings.


Linda’s Environmental Productivity Ah-Has:

Weather Be it winter snowstorm Juno or rainy day Sundays, there’s nothing quite like a stop-everything-weather day to transform the “were-supposed-to-be” plans into productive days. I was unable to get to my client’s to organize because of the storm. Instead, I’m utilizing the found time to move other projects forward. 

Travel – There’s nothing as wonderful as that quiet, distraction-free time I experience on an airplane. With my busy travel schedule, I’ve been especially enjoying the airplane bubble that allows me focused time to read, plan, think, and rejuvenate. I experienced this firsthand this past weekend with my flights to and from St. Louis for the ICD Board meeting.

Blobbing – In our family, we like to enjoy “blob days” every so often. On blob days we suspend doing anything productive and give into just relaxing . . . guilt-free. We might stay in our pajamas all day, not shower, and hang out without any goals or shoulds. We let the day unfold, agenda-free. There could be movie watching and lots of snacking. Are you wondering how environment can be productive? Sometimes you need to balance suspending the to dos in order to renew your energy and boost your productivity.

What environment best supports your productivity? I’d love to hear from you. Come join our conversation!