Oh, So Organized

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Welcome Change

I will admit that I love fortune cookies. The cookie is fine, but it’s specifically the fortune that I really enjoy. Maybe it’s the suspense or perhaps it’s just plain fun. Whatever it is, I am a fortune cookie fan. Some might think that I’m a bit of an extreme fan. When ordering Chinese take-out, I’ll request a dozen or more extra cookies just to ensure that there are plenty of opportunities to pick that special one.

If you’re still reading, you might be wondering why I am even talking about fortune cookies. For all of February, I’ve been thinking about change. The New Year is a time for new beginnings and goals. By the time February is almost over, some inertia or panic could be settling in as these resolutions are broken and the goals remain thoughts without action.

Several weeks ago, I was working with one of my clients. We took a short lunch break and ate Chinese food, which of course included fortune cookies. You can imagine my delight at the meal’s end when I was offered a fortune cookie. With anticipation, I broke it open and read my fortune, which said, “Welcome change.” Not all fortune cookies are timely or even make sense, but this one made chills run up and down my spine. Change was certainly on my mind and the fortune was reminding me of some important ideas. In two simple words, it was encouraging me to open my mind to the possibilities of what change can bring and to put aside any fears I might have in making those changes.

Change often implies that we’re moving from a place that’s known to someplace that’s unknown. Even if we desire this shift, it’s still something that might make us feel fearful because we don’t know what to anticipate. The truth is that no matter how much we plan, we won’t know how that change will feel until we let ourselves move ahead even with our uncertainty.

It’s hard to know what type of change you might be looking for, as we’re all unique. Keep an open mind. Don’t let your fear prevent you from trying something new or making those changes that might be wonderful. Remember the wise words found inside my cookie, “Welcome change.”